Forgot Password or Username? Fantasy, artists, drawings. Fantasy, artists, drawings.
Dungeons, but no dragons. When dice have a mind of their own,. Though the possibility is known,. Still last weekend was absurd. And with death did we flirt. The wench, courageous and undaunted,. With her fiery flail she flaunted. Only to be put in place. Her cleric level back to base. When quth-maren gazed into eyes. His will empowered through the dice. In cowering fright on floor she crawled.
A sloppy, unimaginative excuse for a musician. If youre new here, Track Crosscontamination! Is a good place to start.
Thoughts on writing, blogging, words and word-craft. Writing with scissors is about taking risks is what you write. What happened to your Christmas spirit? December 4, 2016.
Forgot Password or Username? The Loony is watching you. Given by an Anonymous Deviant.